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- B B S X X
- B B S X X
- I n t e r n a t i o n a l
- presents...
- F O O R R Z E E
- F O O R R Z E E
- Version 4.0
- A Shareware Card Game of Extraordinary Magnitude. Honest!
- 1.0 - Welcome.
- This here is FORZEE 4.0, the fourth and most awesome version of
- one of our most popular games. If you're familiar with 3.0 or
- higher, just go ahead and play; after skimming the dox for our
- amazingly witty comments, you should have no problem. If you have an
- old version, or have never played before, you'll want to actually read
- the dox (and the amazingly witty comments) before setting out on a
- solitare card game adventure the likes of which mere mortals used to
- only dream about.
- 2.0 - Legal Stuff. PLEASE READ!!!
- FORZEE 4.0 (C) 1992 BSX International
- FORZEE 4.0 was developed and compiled using Borland's Turbo
- Pascal 5.5.
- This software is provided "as is" with no guarantees of any kind.
- The developers assume no responsibilities other than those indicated
- below. You may use and distribute this product as you wish, but only
- under the following conditions:
- 1) You may sell this program without permission from BSX
- International but you MUST NOT alter the program or its
- documentation. You MUST NOT charge any fees other than fees for
- copying and MUST clearly state that this fee is NOT a substitute
- for registration with BSX.
- 2) Do not distribute this product if it has been reduced in any
- way. You may add files, but may not remove any of the originals.
- 3) Under no circumstances remove the copyright notices from the
- code or documentation.
- 2.1 - Shareware.
- This product is SHAREWARE and is distributed in good faith for your
- enjoyment. You may play it for a short period to become familiar with
- it. If you decide you like it and want to keep playing it, you should
- send a $10 registration fee to BSX, otherwise you should stop using
- it. If only all software folks let you use their product before you
- paid for it the world would be a much better place. We've bought so
- much BAD software that we don't use, and we're sure you have too, that
- we feel GOOD programs should be rewarded. If you don't like FORZEE,
- we're not hurt; if you do like our stuff, register, and we'll keep
- making it.
- This program is not "protected" in any way and is not altered so
- that non-registrants will suffer. The authors don't believe in denying
- anyone a chance to use our stuff. We are programmers, not businessmen.
- Or at least, not COMPETENT businessmen. We trust that anyone who likes
- FORZEE and wants more of it will register. We're not naive, just
- a little idealistic. But the kids love us.
- If you do not register you may still distribute this game
- provided you follow the rules above. Also, even if you have paid a
- distributor for the disk this game was on, YOU ARE STILL NOT
- REGISTERED. Distibutors simply help us get our stuff out to the
- people, they do not pay us a cent. Not that we don't appreciate this,
- mind you.
- 2.2 - Registration.
- To register FORZEE with BSX send a check/cash/MO for $10 (US) or
- $12 (Canadian) PAYABLE TO ROBERT ROBERDS, to:
- BSX International
- 806 Park Ridge Road Apt. A8
- Durham, NC 27713
- **** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ****
- *** (Not really. We just wanted to make you think.) ***
- **** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ****
- For registering, not only will you encourage us to keep writing
- shareware, you will also receive:
- 1) Our Gratitude.
- 2) 1/2 Price discounts on upgrades on this product.
- 3) A list of cool things you can do to end a relationship with an
- overbearing mate. As soon as we think of any.
- Read BSXCAT.DOC and ORDER.DOC for full details!
- Your support and comments are appreciated! Particularly about this
- whole relationship thing.
- 3.0 - Setup.
- A complete copy of FORZEE 4.0 has the following files:
- 1) FORZEE.DOC - Documentation file you are now reading.
- 2) FORZEE.EXE - The actual compiled program you run to play.
- 3) FORZEE.DAT - "Data" file needed for program execution.
- 4) FORZEE.ICO - Windows 3.0+ compatible icon file. FORZEE IS NOT
- A WINDOWS PROGRAM, but we include a .ICO for those
- users who wish to install it under Windows.
- 5) BSXCAT.DOC - BSX's latest catalog. You may be suprised.
- 6) ORDER.DOC - E Z 2 UZE BSX order and registration form.
- To run FORZEE 4.0 from a hard drive, simply copy the FORZEE.EXE and
- FORZEE.DAT files into a directory of your own choosing. Just type
- FORZEE and there you are. If the directory is in your PATH, you
- may run FORZEE from anywhere.
- To run FORZEE 4.0 from a floppy disk, (if you must) just make sure
- the disk has the FORZEE.EXE and FORZEE.DAT files on it. Change your
- default drive to A: or B: and type FORZEE.
- If any of the above is confusing, refer to your DOS manuals. Those
- are the books that are probably under a leg of a table somewhere to
- keep it level. If you can't pull them out for fear of spilling a
- drink or something, find someone who knows something about
- computers and explain to them what you're trying to do. In a pinch,
- call us. But we'll probably want some of whatever it is you are
- drinking first. Unless it's Crystal Light. You can keep that.
- Also, make sure your system meets the following criteria below:
- 1) IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 or compatible (any 80x88/80x86 machine,
- from 8088/8086 clear on up through 80486 and beyond).
- 2) 256K RAM minimum.
- 3) EGA or VGA video adaptor with at least 256K of video RAM.
- 4) DOS 2.1 or higher or the DOS Compatability Box of OS/2.
- 5) Microsoft compatible mouse is supported, but NOT required.
- This game has been playtested on many systems. We can't say it
- will work on every configuration, but it will work on virtually all of
- them. We cannot guarantee that this program will run on any operating
- system other than DOS or that it will work with any TSR's (Terminate
- and Stay Resident programs) or memory management devices. IT IS
- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you put files=20, buffers=40, and
- device=ansi.sys in your config.sys file. These shouldn't be necessary
- for FORZEE, but it's best not to take chances. So many problems are
- caused by the omission of these lines that you'd be a fool not to put
- them in. IT IS ALSO HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, if you do have problems with
- FORZEE, that you unload and reload any TSRs before playing. This
- often helps clean up problems that other programs have left behind.
- In fact, we can't really guarantee diddly. Waddaya want for ten
- bucks?
- Please try to recreate any problem on another, similar
- configuration before assuming we have screwed up. We will try to solve
- any problems if you contact BSX. Before doing so, please re-read the
- docs to make sure you aren't missing something.
- You may get in touch with BSX International at (919) 493-4875,
- just about any time, or you can send a message on Prodigy at
- JBVC54A, or on GEnie at R.ROBERDS1, or on VNet at 5 @9198 or on
- WWIVNet at 5 @9979. Or you can even use the real mail!
- 4.0 - Rules. (i.e.- About playing FORZEE.)
- FORZEE is a one-player card game based on both Yahtzee and poker.
- The deck is shuffled and you are dealt a five-card hand. You may
- discard any number of cards, or none if you choose, and draw new ones.
- The hand you now have is then scored in a Yahtzee-like manner for only
- one possible result as follows:
- ACES: One point for each ace in hand.
- TWOS: Two points for each two.
- THREES: Three points for each three.
- and so on 'til...
- TENS: Ten points for each ten in hand.
- Note: If the total number of points gathered with the above
- combinations is equal to or greater than 100, a 75 point bonus
- is awarded!
- PAIR: Two cards of equal face value (or "rank") gets 10 points.
- TWO PAIR: Two sets of pairs in the same hand gets 20 points.
- 3 OF A KIND: Three cards of equal rank gets 30 points.
- SMALL STRAIGHT: 4 cards with consecutive face values. Ace can be high
- or low. (ex: A,2,3,4,8 or J,Q,K,A,5). Earns 40 points.
- LARGE STRAIGHT: As above but with all five cards consecutive. 50
- points.
- FLUSH: All five cards are the same suit. (ex: All Spades or Hearts).
- Worth 60 points.
- FULL HOUSE: A three of a kind and a pair in the same hand. 70 points.
- CHANCE: Score each card its face value with face cards worth 10 and
- aces worth one. (ex.- A,3,7,J,K is worth 31 points).
- And finally, FORZEE: Four cards with the same face value. Four of
- a kind. This is worth 80 points. If you do it
- more than once in the same game you may get 160
- points for each additional set. This is FORZEE
- The the full deck is reshuffled and you are dealt another
- hand after hand after hand until you've exhausted all of the
- above combinations. You can only use each of the above scoring
- schemes once, with the exception of FORZEE BONUS. You may
- be forced to pick a scoring scheme and not have the correct hand for
- it. In this case, that option IS considered "used" and you will
- receive no points for it. Life's rough.
- The object of the game is to score 300 points or more. Any less
- and you lose. Any more, and you could become a FORZEE Legend!
- 5.0 - Using FORZEE 4.0
- The game screen is divided into playing and scoring sections. To
- the right are the cards and the various "buttons" that will allow you
- to select cards, ask for help and hide from the boss, etc. In the
- center are small screens telling you your next available action or
- asking you for one. To the left are the scoring buttons where you
- will get points for your hands and can find a summary of your scoring.
- To begin play, select cards you want discarded from the hand you
- were just dealt by clicking on them or on the "toss" buttons below
- them. When you are done making your choices, or if you don't want
- to discard any, click "done". Mouse users can just point with your
- arrow and click the LEFT button. Keyboard users can use the arrow keys
- (along with Home, End, PgUp and PgDn) to move around and use RETURN or
- SPACEBAR to "click". Also, pressing 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 will pick
- the cards you want tossed, and the first letter of buttons like
- "help" will also select them. To deselect a card selected by
- mistake, just click on it or the "toss" button again. To score a
- hand, just click on the button matching the way you want it to
- count, after you have clicked "done." You'll be asked to click it
- again to confirm. It's simple, TRUST us. To abort your scoring
- choice, just hit the RIGHT or MIDDLE button, or ESCAPE or BACKSPACE if
- you're not using a mouse.
- RULE OF THUMB: LEFT button does stuff, RIGHT button undoes stuff.
- If not using a mouse, then RETURN or SPACEBAR does stuff, and ESCAPE
- or BACKSPACE undoes stuff.
- Remember, you can only score a hand once and once that scoring
- button is picked YOU CAN'T USE IT AGAIN. Sooner or later you're going
- to have to score a worthless hand on one of the scoring buttons and
- get 0 for it. That's how it goes with FORZEE. The game ends when
- the last scoring option is chosen.
- (One note on scoring. The FORZEE BONUS button is only a valid
- button once a FORZEE has been scored. If FORZEE is "0" 'd out, so
- is the bonus button. Once a FORZEE has been scored the BOUNS button
- can be used indefinitely to score additional FORZEES, but can no
- longer be "0"'d out. If you've had a FORZEE then the last hand will
- occur once you obtain a non-FORZEE hand when the other options are
- all full ,and that'll be all she wrote. You'll see. It's just like
- Yahtzee, but it's got a good dance and you can beat to it.)
- 5.1 - Features
- Below is a list of the other buttons on your screen and what they
- will do for you:
- HELP: If you need reminding on how the game works, press help.
- A nifty rules summary will appear.
- BOSS: Use this button to turn your screen into a convincing
- but fake DOS directory listing. When in this mode, type "exit"
- to go back to right where you left off or "abort" to really
- quit back into DOS. Using abort will cause any game you were
- playing to be completely lost. Notice that this trick need
- not be used exclusively at work. It can help you convince
- almost anybody that you are doing serious computer stuff.
- NOTE: This is not a real DOS shell. IT IS FAKE.
- SOUND: If you don't like the tunes or if you are trying to make people
- think you really are busy, click this to silence FORZEE. Click
- it again if you change your mind. FORZEE will "remember" this
- setting for furture sessions.
- If you're paranoid and want to make SURE FORZEE starts with no
- sound, just start the game by typing "forzee -s". Good for the
- first time you run FORZEE on yer computer at work!
- TRNY/GAME: The game can be played in game mode, or tournament mode.
- Game mode allows you to play individual games to sharpen
- your skills. When you are ready, select Tournament mode
- and you'll be challenged to a best-of-seven bout. This
- switch toggles you between these two options. You cannot
- change this in the middle of a game/tournament without
- quitting that game/tournament. That would be cheating,
- like if a ball team decided that the first game of the
- World Series didn't count when they were losing 13-2 in the
- eighth inning.
- PLAYERS: This button calls up a menu that will allow you to keep
- track of up to eight players' lifetime stats. The players
- are selected by scrolling with the "next" and "previous"
- buttons and chosen with "use". "Clear" allows an old player
- to be overwritten and a new name chosen. You may want to
- do this the first time you use any new player slot to pick
- a name for that player. These stats are kept for hard-core
- players to show their friends, if they have any, to prove
- their prowess. When a name is chosen, it will appear
- in the middle of the play screen. "Done" returns you to the
- game.
- MOUSE: Lets mouse users adjust the speed of the mouse. FORZEE will
- "remember" this setting from now on. AND, if you have a mouse
- but wish to play without it, start the game by typing
- "forzee -n".
- QUIT: Is an orderly way to quit your current game or tourney, or to
- leave the program entirely and go back to the good old operating
- system.
- 6.0 - Technical and Version Notes.
- FORZEE was developed using Borland's Turbo Pascal 5.5 on an IBM PC
- with an Intel Inboard 386, Paradise Pro VGA card, 2 megs of RAM, a 120
- MB Maxtor Hard Drive, and a Logitech Bus Mouse. It was beta
- tested and further developed on a Gateway 2000 386/33 with a Kraft
- Trackball running under DOS 5.0.
- 6.1 - Version Summary
- 1.0 - 16 May 1990 - Initial release.
- 2.0 - 14 Sep 1990 - Background color changed. Sounds redone.
- Stats and player save added. Trny/Game Option
- added. Boss mode modified to allow exit to DOS.
- 2.1 - 1 Oct 1990 - Clueless toad figures out to update the Total
- Forzees stat every time. Stats screen made a
- bit more readable.
- 2.2 - 12 Oct 1990 - Horrid mousebug finally eradicated for all
- time. Card graphics (Ace-O-Spades) cutified.
- Minor little thangs took care of.
- 3.0 - 12 Sep 1991 - Mondo changes made to play screens and playing
- environment. Addition of features like
- "confirm scoring choice" and "you can't win",
- etc. Tunes changed. Maximum overhaul, really.
- 4.0 - 20 Nov. 92 - Mouse routines replaced. Color changes. New
- fonts added. Etc.
- 7.0 - About BSX International.
- BSX is a collection of computer gamers and other misfits under the
- chemically-assisted direction of Bob Roberds. (No, he doesn't do
- drugs. Just beer, and when he can afford it, the hard stuff.)
- Additional guidance (often to bars and liquor stores) is provided by
- Dave Kotomski. Together, they share the vision of a world where
- computer games are free (until one registers, of course) and cool cars
- and women are readily available. (Yes, we are sexist pigs. What did
- you expect?) Driven by this vision, we play games at all hours of the
- day and night in search of the ultimate goal: a really cool game that
- allows us to afford a sports car that we can stuff full of bikini-clad
- girls. Until this goal is met, we will continue to produce games that
- inspire you to share in this vision. Or at least keep you busy for
- several hours or until you forget about cars and girls for a bit.
- 8.0 - Acknowledgements.
- Bob would like to thank Dave for continuing to give indespensible
- help in the creation of these little tidbits. Additional thanks to
- the Phoenix Cardinals for defeating those overrated California pretty-
- boys who shall be nameless. Kudos to LRG, who is for some reason a fan
- of said pretty-boys, for not killing Bob when Bob goes on and on
- about their pratfalls.
- Dave would like to thank Bob, John & Alexei for good times and
- stuff. The good folx at MPS deserve a nod for their simulation
- "Civilization". If you don't think this is the best commercial game
- on the market today, I don't want to talk to you. I've spent the
- better part of '92 glued to the tube with this one.
- Bob "Nature's Cruelest Mistake" Roberds - Programming, development
- and whining.
- David "Dr K" Kotomski - Development, playtesting, dox and criticism.
- So round, so firm, so fully packed...
- It must be from
- __ ___
- | \ / \ \ /
- |__/ \___ \/
- | \ \ /\
- |__/ \___/ / \
- International
- "Where the Future is Tommorrow"
- Rootin Tootin Computin for the 90s and Beyond
- Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
- We're fierce, we're BSX International, and we're *IN YER FACE!*
- Serving your shareware needs for over a fiftieth of a century!
- "God made man, but the monkey supplied the glue..."
- - DEVO
- "I wanna kiss her BUT she won't let me..."
- - Some C&W guy
- Can't talk. Eating.
- Peace.